Previous Projects
The following projects were subject to analysis in previous editions of the course. In principle they cannot be used for the current edition, unless you clearly explain why you want to take a second look at this project, and how your work will be different.
- SickRage
- Magento
- Neovim
- Mapbox GL JS
- Netty
- Jupyter
- Mockito
- Kibana
- Beets
- Node
- OpenSSL
- JabRef
- Telegram Web
- PyInstaller
- Matplotlib
- Yarn
- Arduino
- JUnit5
- VSCode
- Processing
- Kafka
- Syncthing
- scikit-learn
- Closure Compiler
- Ansible
- Scrapy
- Gradle
- Atom
- Autopsy
- BigBlueButton
- Bootstrap
- CodeCombat
- D3.js
- Ember.js
- GitLabHQ
- Guava
- Habitica
- Hazelcast
- Karma
- Terasology
- Letsencrypt (now Certbot)
- Molgenis
- Mopidy
- Neo4j
- OpenCV
- OpenTripPlanner
- Polymer
- Rails
- Sonic Pi
- TensorFlow
- WildFly
- YouTube-dl
- Z3
- AngularDart
- diaspora
- Docker
- Jekyll
- Joomla! CMS
- OpenRA
- Play Framework
- Syncany
- Vagrant
- xbmc (now Kodi)
DESOSA 2014 and before
- Angular
- Arduino
- Catroid
- CouchPotatoServer
- Django REST framework
- edX
- Elasticsearch
- PX4 Pro
- GeoTools
- IntelliJ IDEA Communication Edition
- IPython
- Meteor
- NHibernate
- pip
- Puppet
- Pyramid
- React
- RxJava
- Scalding
- Semantic UI
- Sick Beard
- Symfony
- Teiid
- TextSecure (now Signal)
- Torque 3D
- Tribler
- WordPress for Android
- Zipkin